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Guestbook.com - Free guest book for your web page.

Guestbookgiant.com - Need a guestbook for your site? This easy-to-use service lets you create a custom, reliable guestbook for your visitors.

Efreeguestbooks.com - This is a good place to go if you're looking for a free guestbook for your site. eFreeGuestbooks offers remotely hosted, ad-supported guestbooks that are highly customizable. Features here include bad word filtering; IP and E-mail banning; new entry alerts and over 30 smilie faces to choose from.

Theguestbook.com - When you sign up with TheGuestbook.com, you get a fully customizable guestbook for your website with no banner advertisement.

Dreambook.com - This free service lets you completely customize your guestbook to match your site. In normal editing mode, you can select from a variety of templates. If you switch into advanced mode, you can edit the HTML directly to make your own custom forms. You decide what fields appear in your guestbook, and how they are arranged.

Freegb.net - When you sign up with TheGuestbook.com, you get a fully customizable guestbook for your website with no banner advertisement.

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